Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The magic of snow

The first snow of winter is always exciting. The first snow of the winter following an extremely mild winter the year before is even more thrilling. Especially when it comes at the beginning of a long weekend, which meant freedom to slide, play and shovel to their heart's content.
Yes, that's right. They wanted to shovel. Couldn't wait to shovel. Skipped breakfast in order to get outside sooner and shovel.

The desire to shovel didn't last long for AJ. As soon as he saw some neighbor boys sledding, he quickly asked if I'd finish his work.
And that was just fine with me. There wasn't that much snow, and despite the promise it had shown the night before, it wasn't as wet and sticky as we'd hoped. Sydney did her best to make snowballs, but had little luck.

Gus, on the other hand, had plenty of luck retrieving the toys Sydney had set aside when she decided to return to shoveling.

We finished the driveway before Sydney finished her desire to shovel, and so she next headed into the backyard, shoveling the step and the hot tub cover.
The next day, when Sydney woke up, the first thing she did was run to the window and look out at the driveway. No snow had fallen overnight. "It's still clean," she announced, sounding a bit disappointed.
It's a long winter, Syd, and you'll no doubt have plenty more opportunities to shovel. Let's see how enthiastic you get at the sight of snow next March.

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