Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Noodle ball

It's that awkward, un-fun time. Vacation is over. Denial is in place. It's back to reality, which is a whole new reality for me. I start a new job today, and so am feeling just a bit of nervous energy.

And that is why I haven't blogged for a few days.

It's not as much fun to write about vacation adventures after they're over. But here's a look at some of the simple fun we found along the way.

We changed up our plans due to miscalculating how long it would take to drive across South Dakota, and so spent an extra night in the state. We found a hotel in Brookings which was pretty average in my opinion, but it had free cookies at the front desk, and an incredibly warm swimming pool stocked with floaty noodles, which earned it five stars from the youngest two members of the family.

And that's when I came up with the most awesome game. Noodle ball. The only equipment required is a nerf ball, noodle and swimming pool.

Where exactly the bases were located seemed to vary each time we'd swim for a side.

But it was fun.

And now it's time for me to leave for work. Wish me luck.

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