Thursday, May 10, 2012

If stalling had a shape, it'd be a...

I love how my children's personalities reveal themselves at bedtime. AJ's curious mind takes over in a last ditch attempt to keep me talking and thus delay the inevitable, "Go to sleep!" He asks a lot of questions. About the history of the world, why certain events happened or why people acted in a certain way.

Sydney, meanwhile, mixes humor and sweetness. And it works for her. For about as long as AJ's questions work for him.

One evening earlier this week, as she snuggled under the covers waiting for me to lay down next to her, Sydney told me, "I hope I don't have that bad dream tonight. AJ said there's no such thing as monsters."

"That's right," I agreed.

"But there are such thing as snakes," she continued. "I don't like snakes."

Recognizing she was running out of things to say on that topic, Sydney quickly switched gears.

"Mom, I can make a heart with my hands!"

"That's very nice, Sydney. Now you need to go to sleep."

"Mom, I love you."

And just like that, she gets me to snuggle with her every time.

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