Saturday, October 11, 2008

Five scary words

"Mom, look at my moustache!"

Such a simple sentence. Yet it's sure to strike fear in a parent's heart. I'm trying to decide if it'd be any scarier to hear it from a 17-year-old. Because coming from a three-and-a-half-year-old, you just know it can't be good.

Whatever marketing genius at Subway thought that a microphone-shaped marker would be a good idea for a happy meal toy... ought to have the word "IDIOT" written across his/her forehead with said toy.

And why did AJ decide to add a moustache to his appearance?
"So that I can look like a Daddy," he answered.
"Does your Daddy have a moustache?" I asked.
"No," AJ acknowledged.
"So," I pointed out, "you could be a Daddy without having a moustache."
AJ's reply to that? "But I need a moustache to look like a Daddy."

Never bother using logic with a preschooler.

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