Friday, July 9, 2010

What a trip

And we're off! New York, here we come. Jeff and I are going on about
four hours of sleep, with a 10+ hour road trip planned for today.
Adding to the fun factor, the kids are wide awake. The plan had been
to set out insanely early so that they'd sleep the first few hours.
No such luck.
They both woke up during the transfer from bed to car seat at 4 a.m.
That's meant all sorts of fun conversations already. Five minutes into
the trip, Sydney started asking if houses we were passing were Ellie
and Ben's. A slight variation of "are we there yet?"
AJ, meanwhile, has reminded us that his favorite sharks are
hammerheads and mako sharks. Oh yeah, and Carribean reef sharks. And
his favorite warriors are Daddy and George Washington.
Fifty minutes into the trip, he suddenly announced he had to go potty,
which, with him, means right now! Of course we were in the middle of
nowhere in the wee hours of the morning - not a lot of options
involving indoor plumbing. Not a lot of options (or any, for that
matter) to even turn off on a side street, and so to the side of
Highway 2 we/he went.

We are now 1 hour and 20 minutes into our trip. I'm beginning to
regret packing AJ's new book about the presidents. I suspect I will be
able to recite them all in order by the time we return home. This is
going to be so much fun!


Sent from my iPhone (so please forgive any typos.)


  1. Oh, my what laughs we are having over this. Sure does bring back so many trip memories when our kids were little. Before we even read the "are we there yet?" comment that YOU wrote, I even SAID that. I remember one trip that set Dad on edge when we only made it to the end of our street in Brooklyn Center and your brother "had to go potty", even though we had reminded all of you to go before we left - Dad made him wait until we found a gas station just into Wisconsin. Be glad AJ is a boy - much easier than if it had been Sydney. And the President book? It could get "lost" in the car somewhere, so he has to actually look out the window and "start counting cows," as Dad says. Hee, hee. You only have a couple of days in the car - we took all of you on 3-4 week trips. Dad says to look for "sympathy" in the dictionary.

  2. I had to memorize the 20th Century presidents in order in high school civics class. I can still recite them along with the Preamble to the Constitution and the first paragraph to the Declaration of Independence. I swear these will become valuable life skills some day.
