Friday, June 15, 2012

Redefining clean

Jeff and the kids picked up lunch and brought it to my office so we could eat together yesterday. While there, Sydney was very excited to tell me about a big surprise waiting for me at home. They had cleaned the house! Their bedrooms, the living room - including the ledge in front of the fireplace that's the perfect place for all her princess doll adventures - it was all clean. And she couldn't wait to show me.

She had me close my eyes when I got home so she could lead me around and reveal all the places where she had been working so hard.

Here's the chest that's usually covered with Barbie dolls. Isn't it lovely?

Until you look directly to the left and see where she stuffed everything that's normally on the chest. I've never watched an episode of Hoarders, but I suspect this doll house would qualify.

Same thing by the fireplace. Wow! I haven't seen the rock ledge clear since last winter when we used it as the backdrop for our Christmas card photo.

A note of caution while you're admriing it, however. Don't step back, or you're likely to trip on a whole lot of crap that's been piled on their toy table. And oh look! They've pulled in yet another rubbermaid bin to serve as storage.

Whatever you do, don't look in the office. Anything that couldn't be piled in the living room has apparently been hauled in here. With the plastic bin covers propped up as a fortress to keep the dog from chewing on any of it. Nice touch!

It's a similar story in their bedrooms, with dressers buried under gravity-defying stacks of all sorts of stuff. It obviously never occured to them to put the toys away. They just focused on getting everything off the floor.

I don't know where to begin.

Sydney was so excited for me to see the result of her and AJ's hard work. How do I dash that and say "Now let's really clean." Meanwhile, I have a husband who supervised who clearly thinks what they did was just fine. I'm starting to understand why his dresser looks the way it does.

I'm sensing it's time for another purging of toys. Way too much stuff! Now I just need to find time to do it.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my. Grandma Elouise has been laughing for the last 10 minutes, and now that I just read it to Grandpa Dave, we're both laughing. Hmmmmm. It sounds SO familiar. Like haven't we experienced similar things many years ago with our THREE kids? Oh, yeah. Stuff it in the closet. Stuff it under the bed. Stuff it wherever it will fit. Maybe even in the basement. Just so the floor is clean. Too funny, and probably not the last time you'll have this happen.
