Monday, February 9, 2009

Not nICE

AJ is going to wake up in a little bit and say, "Mommy, you were TEASING me!"

Why? Because at bedtime last night, he'd been whining that he wanted to stay home today, and I'd told him that he had to go to school.

And now, I guess we'll be staying home after all. To avoid problems later in the day due to an ice storm headed this way, just about every school in the area has closed.

Today is the funeral for Bob Jaski. If ever there was a day we needed daycare, this is it. We'll see how this goes...

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! I wish I could help. I'm worried that they're going to close the bridges on me and I'll be stuck on this side. Adam's out of town for 3 days.
