Saturday, August 21, 2010

Car games

Sometimes their creativity leaves me shaking my head.

Driving into Duluth yesterday, the kids clearly grew bored in the back seat. Their solution? A make-shift game of Go Fish. Using baseball cards. At first, it seemed like an impossible game idea. AJ has very few baseball cards, so the chance of finding a match is miniscule at best.

And then I heard how they were playing, which sent my political correctness meter spinning out of control.

AJ: Do you have a black guy?

Sydney: Nope.

WHAT?!? I couldn't possibly have just heard what I thought I'd heard. At the moment, I was driving over Spirit Mountain, through a construction zone, in foggy conditions. There was no way I could take my eyes off the road. The game continued.

AJ: Do you have a white guy?

Sydney: Yup. Here.

We reached our exit, and as I slowed down to turn I asked AJ to show me his "black guy" card. He held up the card so I could see it in the rear view mirror.

It was a Caucasian baseball player. Wearing a black uniform.

Too bad we couldn't all be so innocent.

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