Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Peace and love

They've gotten quite good at pushing each other's buttons, and I'm sure, sooner or later, I'll hear an "I hate you" yelled from one to another.

When that happens, I hope I'll remember to look back at this post and remind them of this moment of harmony - when they were the best of friends - when the spirit of cooperation inspired a five-and-a-half-year-old wanna-be pirate to push his sister on the swing, needing to hear only her giggles as his encouragement to continue pushing higher and higher.

It was such a welcome treat for Jeff and me to sit in the shade on the sidelines and watch them play together. Until AJ tried to lift Sydney out of the swing. I think AJ recognized his limitations, but Sydney continued urging him to help her.
Mommy to the rescue. All is well. Cherish the moment.

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