Friday, September 10, 2010

The Kindergartner

AJ just climbed on the bus for day two of kindergarten. His pants aren't on backwards, so we're already doing better than yesterday. Thankfully nobody else seemed to notice (or tease him) for the wardrobe malfunction. Here are photos from the first day:

Before we headed out the door yesterday, AJ struck his version of the thinker pose. Apparently he thinks that's how kindergartners sit.

AJ was so excited to climb on the bus. I didn't even get a hug or kiss goodbye. When the door opened, he bounded up the steps. He told me later that he sat in the middle of the bus, and Peter, the teenager who lives next door, sat next to him. (I'll be sure to thank Peter and tell his parents how nice that was.)
As I turned to walk back to the house, I was somewhat surprised and proud to realize I hadn't cried. And just like that the tears started.

So how did his first day go? One child got sent to the principal's office, but not him. Yes, that was the first thing he reported. Why did the boy get trouble? "He made some bad choices," was AJ's solemn response. (Apparently a boy in his class was having some separation anxiety. AJ tried to comfort him and the boy responded by trying to hit him. I told AJ it was nice that he tried to help, but next time my little peacemaker should let the teacher handle it.)
Beyond that, AJ said he had fun. He told me he didn't really learn anything, but he liked music class and recess. The music room must have made an impression because he informed me he wants to learn how to play the piano. For lunch, he ate pancakes, sausage and hashbrowns, which he must have liked, because he didn't ask today for cold lunch.
Most important of all, he's still excited to go to school. He woke up this morning and the first thing out of his mouth was, "it's my second day of kindergarten."

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