Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I'm sure there's an interesting story here

We had chicken quesadillas for dinner Sunday night. I liked them. Sydney liked them. Clearly, AJ did not.

After experimenting with every stall tactic he's figured out to date, AJ was left at the table to clean his plate. I, meanwhile, started giving Sydney a bath. A short time later, this is what I found. A plate of half-eaten quesadillas. Milk spilled all over the table. And AJ - holding a snorkle in one hand, and (you can't see it because the bowl of watermelon is blocking it) a small vacuum nozzle IN his glass of milk.

I asked, "what are you doing?"

To which he answered, "Um... this?"

1 comment:

  1. OMG Dana! I love this story! What was your response to, "Um, this."?
