Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Sandy Sydney

Forget the cliché about being too rich or too thin. For Sydney, the question seems to be: Can a girl ever have too many buckets?

Sydney received a bunch of sandbox toys for her birthday, and last night was determined to play with them all... all at the same time. The yellow buckets are her favorites. They stack together nicely.

Her other favorite trick is playing peek-a-boo with the buckets. Never mind that this game leaves sand stuck to her drool-dampened cheeks and chin, not to mention in her hair.

After about 10 minutes of fun with the buckets, Sydney made an amazing discovery. While reaching for a pail, she missed her mark and ended with a fist full of sand. Bonus! Who knew that the SAND would be fun to play with?!?

For anyone who's counting, we've now added a total of 33 bags of sand to our giant sandbox. I'm not going to even try to guess how much of that sand has followed my children into the house.

1 comment:

  1. Watch out! She's only one and she's already starting a collection! She could be your hoarder.
