Friday, May 29, 2009


Oh what a tangled web we weave... especially certain preschoolers who like to climb up, but then need help getting down.

During a playdate Thursday at our favorite playground, AJ and his friend Avery took to the ropes, pretending they were spiders. AJ wanted me to guess what kind of spider he was.

"Black widow," I suggested, naming the scariest spider I could think of.

"No," AJ corrected me. "I'm a Daddy long legs."

Avery immediately chimed in, "and I'm a Mommy long legs."

I suppose if you count all of their limbs together, they equal an eight-legged creature.

I have particular fun watching these two play together. AJ doesn't know it, but I think Avery is the first "friend" he ever met. We first met Avery and her Mom during an ECFE-sponsored baby massage class. AJ was five or six weeks old, and Avery was a couple months older than that. And just look at them now...

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