Thursday, February 4, 2010

The morning hunt

Shoes, boots, mittens, hats, beloved toys. They disappear without warning, and many of my Mommy friends have complained about morning delays caused by lengthy searches for such missing items.

I'm certainly not going to pretend I haven't looked in vain at some time or other for all of the above mentioned pieces. But lately, the %*@$!# thing that has been disappearing the most at our house is a basic comb.

When the air is this dry, causing serious static issues for Sydney's ultra-fine hair, to not comb it and hold it back with some sort of "hair pretty" is simply not an option. Which brings us back to the daily search for the %*@$!#comb. It's not like we only have one comb in the house. We have 4-5 fine-tooth combs specifically for use on the kids. So how is it possible to lose so many, so often.

Yesterday morning, after shuffling the clutter that covers the kitchen counter and lifting couch cushions in vain, I finally offered a bribe. "Okay, I've got two M&Ms for the first person who can find a comb!"

I didn't really think the kids knew where any combs were, and so I continued my search. Suddenly, AJ came bursting from my room with my hair brush in hand, beaming from ear to ear.

He obviously didn't know where a comb was either, but he wasn't going let that keep him from the rare treat of candy in the morning.

And as late as we were by that point, I have no problem using a brush instead of a comb. Sure, Sydney's hair is going to start out messier than usual, but by the time anyone sees her at daycare, we'll just blame it on the hat she was wearing on the way there.

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