Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Oh, Christmas tree - 2012

It's still standing. After 72 hours. It's my own special Christmas miracle.
I'm talking about our Christmas tree, which we set up Saturday morning and decorated Sunday afternoon. We've caught Gus sniffing, but he seems to remember the lesson from last year.
I was debating, as I do each year, whether this should be the year we hike into the woods as a family to cut down a tree ourselves. But again, I knew someone would have been very disappointed to miss his annual conversation about a sword.
I finally got a picture of it! This is AJ and the guy we've bought our tree from the last few years. And the sword that hangs on the garage wall, which the guy let AJ hold and take out of its sheath.
How could we pass up this moment? Because really, what says Merry Christmas more than an antique sword?
And it turns out AJ isn't the only one looking forward to this weird tradition. The gentleman who sells the trees, whose name I don't know, came walking from a shed in back as we looked through his selection of trees. One look at AJ and he commented, "I bet someone wants to see the sword."
Thankfully, the rest of the tree-buying experience was un-noteworthy. We found a decent size tree at a decent price (we too remembered lessons learned last year), brought the tree home and set it up in the stand.
And then we left it alone for a day. Just to make sure Gus would leave it alone, too.
At last, on Sunday, it was time to bring out the ornaments. Both kids took an active role in the decorating this year.

Just once, it'd be nice if AJ would dress normally for this heavily photographed event. And by "normal," I mean based on my standards. Since he adds some weird costume every year, he probably thinks it is normal. Oh well. At least I can torment him some day with pictures of him wearing a foam Bulldogs hockey helmet.

 The kids get taller and more daring each year, standing on stools to reach the tall branches.

Here's the finished product. hopefully we'll only be decorating it once this year.

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