Monday, September 14, 2009

The future pastor

What do you mean you can't tell that's a cross he's holding up?

AJ started Sunday School yesterday. What you see is the craft he made on his first day. If the morning was any indication of how the rest of the year will go, look out!

Sunday School began with pre-school through 4th grade gathered in the sanctuary for songs and introductions. I lead AJ to the row marked for 4-year-olds, and then took a seat a few pews back to watch.

Watching AJ sit there alongside the other kids, I couldn't help but realize how big he's getting. He's not just my baby anymore. He's already taken on the titles of soccer player and pre-schooler. Now he can add Sunday School student to his resume.

Staring at the back of their heads, I also couldn't help but notice how well AJ fits in, at least based on his hairstyle. Of the seven kids in his row, six were boys, and five of them had matching short blonde hairdos. And the sixth boy had the same hairdo, just a slightly darker color.

And then "Miss Mindy" got things started. What a saint she is - the perfect blend of patience and enthusiasm. She began with Jesus Loves Me. Thank goodness AJ knows that one, so he could join along. But bonus - they "sing" it in sign language at the same time. AJ was happy to try and follow along.

Miss Mindy next tried telling a story. She lost AJ at that point. He turned and scanned the sanctuary until he spotted me. I faintly heard, "Hi Mom!" as he waved and blew me a kiss. I'll be sure to remind him of that in a few years. He'll be thrilled, I'm sure.

AJ's attention must have returned to Miss Mindy before mine did, because the next thing I knew, she was asking a question of the group and AJ was jumping up and down, raising his arm. His answer: "He's a brave, strong soldier!" Clearly, AJ wanted to sing his favorite song of all - I'm in the Lord's Army.

His answer was nowhere close to what the teacher was looking for, (I think she'd been asking something about the Father, Son and Holy Ghost) but AJ suceeded in planting the seed, because a few minutes later when it was time again to sing, she said, "...and we've already had a request from the 4-year-olds for I'm in the Lord's Army." Oh boy. AJ was in heaven.

For the sake of brevity, I'll condense the story from here. Miss Mindy used a couple kids as volunteers, trying to illustrate the point that God can help you when you feel stuck. AJ sat silently as she called kids to come up to the front. Until he saw what the volunteers were being asked to do. Suddenly, as things were wrapping up, he ran from his pew so that he too could help free Miss Mindy from the child who was holding her arms.

He's definitely made an impression. From there it was on to small class time. And then church. AJ amazed even me during the children's sermon. The pastor asked the kids why it was important to read the bible. AJ raised his hand and answered, "Um, so that when you get old and die, God will make you alive again."

Wow! He does listen sometimes. Even Pastor Jeff was impressed, responding, "Exactly! You could be a pastor someday." A few minutes later, as he concluded the message, he referenced back to AJ's answer again and gave him a high five.

Yes, this is going to be an interesting year.

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