Monday, September 21, 2009

Kids say the sweetest things

Sydney is becoming quite the conversationalist. She's piecing together more and more words into phrases, as well as copying some of the comments she hears from those around her. That means her darling little mouth is now uttering some darling little sentences.

For instance, during our recent trip to the cities, after about the millionth time of hearing her question where we were going, I responded, "Are we going shopping?"

My unexpected (and wrong) response caught her off guard. She answered, "No, you si-we (silly) goose!"

When I got home from work tonight, I picked Sydney up and then sat down with her on the couch. Giving her a big hug, I told her, "I love you."

Doing her best to give me an equally tight squeeze, she replied, "I wov you SO much!"

Of course, she's also figured out how to use this new ability during her moments of over-dramatization. Now when she gets even the most minor bump or bruise, she runs to me crying, "I need a hug!"

But my favorite, while far from grammatically correct, is when she wants me to join her at bedtime. From her bedroom, she'll call, "Mommy, will you snuggle me?"

And how do you say no to that?

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