Sunday, November 8, 2009

Banana buster

Suddenly, Sydney loves bananas again. All summer long, she refused to eat them, preferring various fresh berries instead. But all at once, she's asking for them again.
Maggie is thrilled by this development. Maggie loves bananas too, and knows that typically Sydney can't eat an entire banana. This means it's usually not too tough for Maggie to convince Sydney to share.

Saturday morning, however, Sydney was not in a sharing mood. As I was washing dishes, I could hear Sydney ordering, "Go lay down Maggie!" Maggie apparently was ignoring her, because the next thing I heard out of my 2-year-old's mouth was, "Back off Buster!"

(Of course, Maggie was only too happy to lay down and mind once the camera came out.)

I asked Sydney where she learned a line like that, because it's not something either Jeff or I say. It was from her daycare teacher. Sydney answered, "Sheri say 'back off buster!'"

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