Thursday, February 2, 2012


If I were a nicer person, I'd feel really bad for Gus, who, after being neutered, is now stuck wearing a big plastic collar for the next week.

But I have to admit, I find it a little bit amusing. He was kind of a klutzy dog to begin with. He's a full speed ahead kind of fellow with the grace of a battering ram. And now, take away his peripheral vision and add a two-foot-diameter plastic cone around his head, and it's... I should feel bad saying this... kind of funny watching him as he attempts to walk through doorways and eat his food.

But on a brighter note, Hey! Built-in chew toy!

Resourceful pup that he is, there have been a couple instances where he's used the collar like a scoop, flipping up a child's toy off the floor and into his mouth. But for the most part, the cone is slowing down his destructive ways. But that's about the only thing it's slowing down. He has no problem jumping up on the couch or our bed, or running around the house, slamming into the backs of our knees with the collar as he goes.

As I recall, Maggie's post-spaying cone/collar made it almost a week before she managed to flip it off and destroy it. I remember hearing a wild clatter in her kennel one morning. By the time I reached her to see what was going on, she was chewing that thing with a vengence.

Gus isn't waiting to flip the collar off. He's chewing on it whenever he gets the chance. If I were the betting sort, I'd say this collar won't survive the weekend.

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