Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The new word

Score one for moms everywhere!

I have turned the tables on my kids. Forget "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em." I have beat them at their own game. And now, they are stuck with it.

I changed "the word".


Oh, yes. I. Did.

Remember that really annoying game I wrote about a week or so ago? The one where my kids would try to trick each other (or me) into saying "what," and then they'd laugh and point and shout, "You're stuck with it!"

Not any more. At the most recent meeting of Moms Everywhere (a.k.a. ME) a vote was taken to change the word. (At least that's the story I've given my children.) The new word is... brace yourself because it's brilliant... "Mom."

Every time the kids come to me to settle a squabble or ask me for help with something they are perfectly capable of doing on their own, the chorus goes something like this:

"Mom, mom, mom, mom..."

And now, I can just laugh and point and say, "You're stuck with it."

It drives them up the wall! They don't know what to say. They don't know what to do. And so they respond helplessly with, "But, mom..."

And I get to say it again, "You're stuck with it!"

"THAT'S NOT THE WORD!" AJ yelled in frustration.

"Oh, yes it is! The moms voted."

It leaves them speechless.

Game over. Mom wins.

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