Thursday, February 23, 2012

Who wants to be in kindergarten?

Somebody thinks she is SO ready to be a kindergartner. Sydney has, after all, now spent an hour bopping between the library and two different kindergarten classrooms.

It seems like not long ago we were going through this with AJ, and now, here we are attending the "Get Ready for Kindergarten" sessions all over again.  

As we drove home from school, I asked Sydney which parts she liked best.

"All of it!" was her happy reply.

And what's not to like? There was cutting:

And stitching:

And a blob of goo... 

It tricks you into thinking it's Play-doh, but it's not. I think it's called Farp. It smells like rubbing alcohol and has a slightly wet feel to it. And when you press on it just right, or try to squeeze it back into the container, it makes an absolutely hysterical noise that sounds like its name, but with one letter different.

Oh boy do four- and five-year-olds find that funny! Sydney had been less than impressed by the feel of it, but as soon as she heard the giggles from her "best friend Jayce", then of course she thought it was too funny to put down.

Until a spot opened up at the adjoining table with dob paint. I'm pretty sure the amount of paint Sydney put on her picture could have covered two to three sheets of paper. It might be dry by next week.

And then she spotted the family of stuffed Dalmatians in the corner. This room had everything!

Sydney wanted to know if she gets to start kindergarten tomorrow.

"Not yet," I told her. "You have to wait until next fall."

"How long is it until fall?" She wanted to know.

"It's after summer." I did some quick calculations, "that's about six and a half months from now."

"That's a LONG time."

It'll be here in no time. I have no doubt she's ready for it. The question is - will I be?

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