Sunday, February 12, 2012

From the mind that never rests...

I turned off the computer this weekend, thus my four day absence from blogging. It wasn't intentional. I just got busy doing other things. I'd like to say I got a lot accomplished by not staring at the computer screen. But there's always so much more to do.

With plenty to write about, I'll let AJ take over with a few of his recent gems.

After his sister had a playdate that brought two extra girls into the house, AJ added a sign to his bedroom door. The junior police sticker adds such an official touch, don't you think?

And do you suppose Girls aquiet are okay?


AJ was taking forever to fall asleep last night, so I laid down next to him in bed, which usually helps settle him down. In the dark, AJ whispered, "Mom, I think I figured out why it takes me so long to fall asleep."

"Why is that?" I asked.

"It's because I don't like sleeping."


Jeff and I have fairly different musical tastes, something the kids have become aware of. During a recent car ride, as I was singing along to a song on the radio, AJ asked, "When you were in high school, did you like rock music?"

Me: Yup.

AJ: Did you like '80s music?

Me: When I was in high school, it was the '80s.

Speaking of '80s music, AJ wandered into the room while I was watching news coverage of the death of Whitney Houston. He'd never heard of her, so I pulled up a song on YouTube, telling him she was very popular when I was in high school. (No musical audition would be complete without someone - not me, I knew my limitations - failing miserably to sing one of her songs.) AJ listened for almost a minute before losing interest. To make my point, I said, "See? Didn't she have an incredible voice?

AJ agreed, briefly. "Yeah," he answered, "but she's not as good as Frank Sinatra."

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