Monday, February 4, 2013

Another manic Monday

It's been another hockey-filled weekend, sports fans. Child #1 had a tournament in Silver Bay. Child #2 had a tournament in Esko. Parents 1 & 2 ran themselves ragged transporting the above mentioned children (plus one other player to help out his parents) between the two locations.

And as if all that hockey wasn't enough, AJ still wanted more. As we drove home, the conversation went something like this:
AJ: Do the Wild have a game tonight?
Me: No, it's the Super Bowl.
AJ: So they give the players the night off so they can watch?
Me: (Not having the energy to explain the reality of professional sports and television programming being a business that relies on viewers) Yeah, something like that.

And now it's Monday morning. A Monday morning full of notes from teachers that I couldn't read last Friday because my pupils were dilated from a trip to the eye doctor. A Monday morning with missing snowpants and coats that were eventually located inside hockey bags that had been in the very cold garage all night. (I let them spin for five minutes in the dryer - the outerwear, not the kids - and the children now think I'm a genius.)

Bottom line, I have no time to write something witty and creative. Instead, I give you this: video of one of AJ's goals yesterday. He had a great tournament: seven goals between the three games.

Eight years ago at this time, I was complaining about back pains and how as long as I sat down, they didn't seem so bad. As we all now know, those back pains were the first hint that my hockey star was within a day of making his grand debut.

So I guess compared to that, this morning isn't so bad after all.

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