Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sometimes he DOES listen

Every so often, through the little things they do, my kids show me how good they can be. Yes, they love to test and push limits. But sometimes they don't. And I am amazed.

This morning, before the alarm went off, I could hear AJ moving around in the living room. And then I heard the very quiet sounds of the XBox game.

Good. He'd thought to turn the volume down so he wouldn't wake up anyone else.

And then I heard Gus moving around. But there was no yelling. Only the relatively quiet sounds of the dog chewing on rawhide.

Good. AJ had thought to give him a treat before Gus had started chewing on any toys.

A short time later, my alarm sounded. I got up and went to say good morning, and this is what I found:

He'd even gotten dressed for Sunday School.

He'd thought through in his mind just about every reason I've ever used for telling him to turn off the game.

And so I asked him what he wanted for breakfast.

His face fell. He hadn't eaten yet.

I smiled and asked if he'd like me to make cinnamon rolls.

"Yeah, that'd be great!" was his enthusiastic reply.

He doesn't need to know I'd been planning to make them anyway. Let him think it was a reward for his good behavior.

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