Friday, February 8, 2013

Let's sleep for a spell

The conversation I had with Sydney way too early this morning when she woke moaning.

Me: What's wrong honey?

Sydney: (indecipherable mumbles)

Me: Shhh. It's okay.

Sydney: You (mumble, mumble) my bag.

Me: Say that again

Sydney: You forgot to pack my bag.

Me: For Madi's sleepover? I told you we'd do that after school today.

Sydney was silent for at least a minute. I'd thought she'd fallen back to sleep and was about to return to my room. But then...

Sydney: Are there any words you can't spell?

Me: Of course there are. Mostly big ones.

Sydney: Like "here"? That's a big one. It's one of my sight words

Me: I know how to spell "here". Do you remember how?

Sydney: I can't remember.

Me: It's H-E-R-E.

Sydney: H-E-R-E. (pause) I know how to spell "to". T-O. That's easy peasy.

Me: Good. Now can you go back to sleep?

Sydney: I just want to snuggle.

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