Saturday, November 8, 2008

Crash the rollercoaster

What is it about certain toys that inspire such love and devotion from a toddler, while inspiring thoughts of destruction from said toddler's parents?

This blessed/blasted red gorilla was a gift to AJ several years ago from some dear friends who don't read this blog, so I feel safe in asking, "WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?" It's an ugly little red gorilla that – when you press it's foot – wiggles around and sings "Love Rollercoaster". I'm sure I'd heard the song before. Now, I absolutely hate it.

"Your love is like a rollercoaster baby, baby" AAAHHHH... get me some lighter fluid.

AJ never felt any particular attachment to this toy. Sydney, however, discovered it a few weeks back and loves it. She's fascinated with being able to make it do something, and she likes hugging it while it wiggles around.

So back to the original question – was it the 15th time, the 50th time or perhaps the 942nd time that I had to endure "Rollercoaster... of love. Say what? Rollercoaster... why don't you ride child?" At some point I switched from being a Mom who would do anything for her child... to being a Mom who smiles at the thought of throwing a little red gorilla under the tracks of a rollercoaster.

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