Monday, June 15, 2009

Faire thee well

Meet AJ's newest hero. His name is Sir Victor. Though AJ sometimes calls him Sir Actor by mistake.
That's because we repeatedly had to explain to AJ that Sir Victor was only acting while jousting and sword-fighting with Sir William at the Olde World Renaissance Faire.

AJ was hooked from the moment we arrived, when a woman screamed to signal the start of a (rather lame) re-enactment, "Pirates have taken our castle!" Pirates and knights and peasants (I don't think he ever figured out what they were) all in one place - way cool!

Our toddler princess, meanwhile, was rather uninterested in the lords and ladies around her. Throughout the joust, she was far more fascinated by a nearby horse that was grazing. When we got to the children's area, she didn't even want to get out of the stroller. Until she saw AJ win some candy. Whoa - that changed everything. "My candy!" She marched up to the first game she could find as Mommy scrambled to find another ticket.

But the biggest hit for her was her brother's blue icee. She didn't even pretend it was hers. She simply kept holding out her hands for "AJ's juice."

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