Thursday, June 4, 2009

A quick spin (doctor) around the ark

AJ's ability to reason and draw connections is amazing. And terrifying. This kid is going to be a lawyer or spin doctor, mark my words.

He's been upset the last few Sundays because we won't let him wear a hockey jersey to church. As I've frequently mentioned, he would live in hockey jerseys if we let him, and he strongly disagrees that the clothes I pick out for him look nicer for church than a jersey would.

A few days ago, while reading a story about Noah's ark, AJ saw the picture below and excitedly proclaimed, "See? I told you it's okay to wear hockey to church. I can wear my Everblades jersey to church!"

It took me a second to figure out what he meant. Note the creatures in the photo above, and on the front of his jersey in the picture below.

If the gators are worthy of a spot on the ark, then surely they're worthy attire for church.
Four years old and he's already latching onto the thinnest thread of logic and spinning it into a closing argument in his favor. This kid is scary smart.

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