Monday, October 19, 2009

The harder you try...

Many random thoughts are swirling through my brain right now, such as:
I should have known.
Who didn't see this one coming from a mile away? (Jeff claims he did, but I didn't.)
I am so very ready for Sydney to not be two anymore.

I've wracked my brain for several weeks, trying to find a way to provide my little darling with the Cookie Monster costume she so desired. Even as I tried to convince her that a "honey bunny" would be the best costume ever, she continued to say she wanted to be Cookie Monster, and so I continued searching eBay for a costume with a price tag I could justify.

Last week, I won.

The costume arrived by mail today.

And Sydney's response? A very emphatic, "I no want Cookie Monster!"

It was an absolute battle, complete with tears (from her), just to get her to try it on. I'm hoping that this will ultimately end like so many of our other power struggles. Once she gets past her initial stubborn resistance to the costume, she'll never want to take it off.

Regardless, she will wear it this year. Or she'll stay home. And as frustrated as I am right now, I just may make her wear it next year, too. After that, I believe I'll be ready to learn how to sell on eBay (the costume, not the child, as tempting as that may seem.)

1 comment:

  1. I guess I don't feel sorry for you. You've "asked" for this one. I repeat the idea that I wrote a few days ago.....I think you've made WAY too much out of this. She's only TWO. She won't even remember what she was for Halloween in a few years. YOU will NEVER FORGET, though.
    She is playing you like a banjo, as the saying goes. And when you play into it, she wins and will continue to challenge you. Forget the "terrible twos" idea. Kids want attention no matter if it's positive or negative. The fact that' YOU'RE frustrated, proves she REALLY won this one.
