Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Moses' mom

Sydney's not too crazy about the t-shirts. She'd much prefer wearing a dress. But everything else about the first day of Vacation Bible School received glowing remarks from my two kids.

For Sydney, this was the first year she's been big enough (and independent enough) to go. And boy, did someone there know how to engage her with the lesson.

According to a very excited Sydney, "We went to camp and that man tricked us and we thinked there were lions around. And the man who was a camper, he had a baby. Baby Moe-ses. And I got to be the baby's mom."

Translation (as best I can figure out): The theme of this year's bible school is "Big Jungle Adventure," and so one of the pastor's must have been dressed accordingly. They acted out the story of Moses, and Sydney got picked to be one of the volunteers.

She continued her recap, "and we pretended the sidewalk was a river and we put the baby in the river."

AJ interrupted at that point, "but I didn't get picked to be anything."

Not only did he not get picked, he was assigned a bible verse to memorize. "Cast all your anxieties on Him, because he cares for you."

One of those anxieties just might involve explaining that the dog really did eat his homework.

Any anxiety for Sydney, meanwhile, centers around a certain free shirt she really doesn't want to wear. And who can blame her? I bet Moses' mom didn't wear t-shirts. Just don't tell Sydney.

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