Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The plus side of harder homework

This might be a trick – a variation of the "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" technique. AJ's been jealous for months that his sister's "homework" is easier and more fun than his spelling assignments. And so he seems to have switched tactics, enticing his sister with the philosophy "if you can't beat 'em, get 'em to join you."

"Can I play, too, Alex?" Sydney asked when she saw the Scrabble game come out.

AJ played hard to get for a little bit, but when it became clear I wasn't going to come over and do his homework for him, he welcomed his little sister's involvement. They were by no means playing Scrabble. AJ's assignment was to spell out each of the words on his list. If he could build off an existing word, great, but certainly not necessary.

Sydney came in handy in this version of the game. Either AJ or I would call out what letter was needed next, and Sydney would help search through the tiles on the table to find what was needed.

Sydney's awe of her brother's spelling ability seems to have fed his ego just enough to put him in a cooperative mood. At bedtime that night, I told AJ to pick a book to read. He still reads out loud to himself, so Sydney quickly sensed an opportunity to be read to.

AJ's book of choice featured plenty of pictures. Combine that with the fact that neither child was in a rush to go to bed, and suddenly you've got an extremely patient audience of one, snuggling up to her big brother as he read about Lego policemen.

I could try to point out to AJ that it's because of all his hard homework that he now is able to read so well, but I doubt he would care for that logic. And so instead I smile brightly when he complains about homework and warn, "Just you wait."

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