Thursday, April 4, 2013

Fun discoveries on the way to the Alamo

Sometimes, it's the places you didn't look for that turn out to be the most fun. On our second day in San Antonio, we set out walking to the Alamo, but along the way we found a children's museum. So of course we had to stop.

Sydney, still stoked by the recent flight to Texas, was very excited to check out model plane - specifically the cockpit. I think it says a lot that instead of seeing herself in the flight attendant role, she wants to be a pilot.

AJ, meanwhile, experimented with air pressure. (Good thing there's a sign in the background of the below photo, or I would have totally forgotten what it was he was doing.)

There was a fun grocery store, like many children's museums have. Particularly cool about this one is it had a scanner at the checkout counter that actually read the bar codes on the packaged foods the kids picked out.

As fun as all that was, none of it could compete with the ultimate discovery, set up against the far wall of the basement.

A cow.

With udders.

That they could pretend to milk.

Sydney found it first. Grabbing, tugging and yanking, she showed the same sensitivity I recall she used to demonstrate while nursing.

Eventually AJ realized his sister was having fun, and so he had to push his way in and try for himself.

When it was Sydney's turn again, AJ took off in search of something new to do. He found blocks. Giant foam blocks. I guess it's true that everything is bigger in Texas,

He quickly made friends with a couple other kids and together they built a giant fort. With large dangling tubes hanging out of it, because when you have a large floppy tube and a block with a hole the same dimension as the tube, of course you have to stick the tube into the hole.

Eventually we pried them away and continued on our journey to the Alamo. More on that to come...

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