Sunday, April 5, 2009

The big 5-0

No, I don't have that much spare time to be keeping tabs on AJ's age in months. He just happened to ask me late last week how old he was. I told him he was going to be four years and two months. That's when I realized this is kind of a landmark day. My little hockey player is 50 months old.

Correction. He's not just a hockey player. He's a sports guy. He told me that on Saturday. He's quite excited because we told him he could join a soccer league this summer.

Now, before certain soccer-loving family members start thinking they've converted Jeff, stop. Jeff checked to see if baseball/teeball was available, but soccer is the only sport offered for four year olds.

So the conversation on Saturday, which took place in the car on the way to watch Jeff play hockey, went something like this.

"I can play hockey, and football, and baseball, and soccer..."

"And you're a good runner," I added, helpfully.

"And I'm a good runner, and hockey player, and football player," he continued before concluding, "Mom, I'm a good sports guy."

Nice to know there's no shortage of confidence. There's plenty of time for that later.

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