Thursday, April 9, 2009

Deciphering Sydney

Well, there's no questioning what she's telling me in this shot as she frowned at the camera and said, "No cheese."

But frequently it's becoming more and more of a challenge to understand Sydney, as her interest in talking has grown far faster than her vocabulary and enunciation skills.

Take for example, the three items in the picture with her: Bookie, mookie and beekie. Got that? Translation: book, milk and blanket.

Sounds simple enough, but when she's grumpy at bedtime, it becomes even harder to understand what she's calling for. And God forbid we bring the wrong item, that only upsets her further.

By the way, less than a minute after glaring at me in the earlier shot, she decided she wanted to ham it up for the camera. That's her other latest, lovely quirk. Any suggestion is a bad idea, until it's her idea.
"Sydney, would you like some milk?
(Ten seconds passes.)
"Say please"

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