Thursday, July 30, 2009

Bag o' legos

Here's my latest (and perhaps best) excuse to date for justifying my lack of organization. Being too neat and orderly can lead to obsessive compulsive traits in future generations.

Consider, for example, poor Sydney. The innocent child seems to think playing with Legos is all about picking them up and putting them in a bag. She has no desire to build with the tiny blocks, nor does she try to knock over towers that Mommy builds. Instead, she just wants to pick up the pieces and stuff them into sandwich bags.

She really had me confused for a while this morning. She came into the kitchen and repeatedly announced, "I big. I big."
"Yes, you are a big girl." I answered.
"No, Mommy. I beg."
"You're what?" I asked.
"I beg," she insisted. "I beg."
I gave up trying to translate and instead said, "Show me."
That's when she lead me to the cupboard and pointed to the top shelf where I store the plastic bags, tinfoil and other wraps. The lightbulb clicked on.
"You want a bag?" I asked.
Bingo! She clapped her hands, repeating "I bag." She then happily walked back into the living room and began stuffing the colorful little rectangles, along with other small toys, into this most prized possession - a Glad sandwich bag. (Yes, I gave my toddler a plastic bag for a toy.)
And why does Sydney think this is what you do with Legos? Because the first time she played with them, she saw Grandma Elouise sorting through the massive pile trying to find the pieces to a particular set, which she then put in a Ziploc bag. So of course Sydney, who already has an obsession with purses, loves this idea of a game.
By the way, before anyone comments on Sydney's extremely shaggy hairdo, please note she's getting a long overdue trim Friday morning. Just in time to have her long overdue 2-year pictures taken.
Maybe I should be a little more organized.

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