Thursday, August 27, 2009

Traveling music

He looks so sweet. So innocent. If you could tell his lips were moving, you might think he was singing a lullaby. But no. He's happily singing along to We're not gonna take it. Apparently there's nothing like Twisted Sister to rev a guy up before a soccer game.

The kids were greatly dismayed while Jeff was away at Fort Ripley to learn that Mommy's car didn't offer the same musical selection as "the black truck." A few times I humored them by tuning in the local classic rock station, but according to AJ it just wasn't the same. "We like wild music Mom. Loud, wild music."

It sounds, though, like even Daddy is getting tired of playing certain select songs over and over again. He revealed last night that he's now trying to expand their musical tastes to include Def Leppard. We'll see how that goes.

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