Saturday, August 22, 2009

Just like Mommy II

Sydney's "Aunt Wisa" will probably find more humor and justice in this story than anyone else, considering how many chocolate chips coincidentally disappeared from her Tupperware container with the dusty rose cover any time I house-sat for her back in college.

Friday morning I was determined to shower. I had two children happily working on puzzles at the dining room table, so I figured it'd be safe to duck out for a few minutes. Everything sounded fine (i.e. quiet) as I stepped from the shower a short time later. Beware of quiet toddlers. As I came from my room, AJ, who was still piecing things together at the dining room table, announced, "Sydney's not helping me with my puzzle any more."

Sweet little Sydney, from her elevated perch on a dining room chair, apparently had spotted the still-half-full bag of chocolate chips still left out on the kitchen counter. No, Lisa, I had not been munching on them all morning. I'd used them to make banana/chocolate chunk muffins, and hadn't put them away yet. On a side note, because the recipe includes applesauce and yogurt, it's somehow considered low fat. Love it! Let me know if anyone wants a copy. But I digress...

So Sydney had seen the bag of chocolate chips, managed to stretch up and grab it and was now happily seated in her princess chair, watching TV and setting herself up for a lovely chocolate rush.

Of course I told her that wasn't okay. Though secretly I was thinking this child had a pretty good idea. I was 18 before I figured out what a great snack these were. She's 2. Look out!

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