Monday, March 1, 2010

Artist in residence

I suppose I could tell you right away what AJ likes to draw the most, but that would be too easy. See if you can guess.

No, it's not Noah's ark, and it's not a viking ship. Here's another hint:

Yes! Pirate ships! If anyone wants one for their office wall, refrigerator or any other spot that seems bare, just let me know. We have a LOT of them. AJ brings home three or four of these drawings from Cool Kids EVERY DAY. And not just nice little 8.5 x 11 sheets of paper. No, these are on the big newsprint spreads. Open your newspaper wide. That's the size of every single one of these masterpieces.

Watching his favorite sport during the Olympics inspired him to draw something new. Recognize the hockey players?

And here's the latest souvenir from Sunday School. Anyone want to take a stab at what it represents? Look closely.

"Oh, that's just a project," AJ explained. "It's called leprosy."

1 comment:

  1. I'll trade you one pirate picture for one butterfly picture AND I'll raise you one picture of the Big Blue House, complete with Addie, Lily, Momma, and Daddy.
