Thursday, March 18, 2010

Fowl ball!

Our first day at Disney, we visited Animal Kingdom. For AJ, the highlight wasn't the rides or the "Safari" trip. No, my little entertainer loved the shows. In particular, he liked the bird show.

It was about as cheesy of a script as you can imagine. A lost "tour guide" stumbles onto the stage in search of his missing tour group. The man just so happens to be terrified of birds, and so the rest of the show is devoted to teaching him why he doesn't need to be afraid. AJ found the entire story to be absolutely hysterical, especially when a bird returned the tour guide's flag, which it had taken earlier in the show, and now there were "bird droppings" on it. Oh my goodness! Slapstick comedy and poop all in the same show! What could be funnier to a five year old?

AJ was quite disappointed that he didn't get called on stage as a volunteer. (That's what happens when you arrive late and can't sit close enough to the front for the performers to see you.) But he was still a very active participant. What's he doing in the photo below?

Holding out his finger in hopes that the bald eagle would come over and land on it.

I don't think it'd be quite a big enough perch. But a kid can dream, right?

1 comment:

  1. Where did you find that bald eagle? Also, what kind of bird is the first one?

