Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial weekend memories

It's always the sign of a good weekend when you struggle to find time to write about it because you're too busy having fun.

I think this picture says so much about all that I am thankful for this Memorial Day weekend. With a flag flying in the background, my favorite veteran is able to spend a sunny afternoon playing baseball with our son at a local park.

This morning, one of the network news programs showed video of flags being placed by the rows of graves at Arlington National Cemetary. So many lives sacrificed so that we can enjoy these simple pleasures. So many families that have lost a loved one and can only hope to recover a new sense of normal because of the hatred of anonymous strangers.
We are truly blesssed to have all that we have. And with that, I'm making the abrupt transition back to the fun we had yesterday.
AJ is obsessed with baseball. Much to Jeff's delight. They play catch almost daily, with neighbor kids often joining them. On Saturday, we headed to a nearby field for batting practice.
It's pretty funny to watch the facial expressions. AJ is trying so hard, while Jeff is trying so hard to act like he can't quite catch the ball or keep up with AJ as he rounds the bases.

Ummm... I think AJ might be just a bit outside the base path on this one.
As for Sydney and me, we spent time at the adjoining playground. The swing was a welcome break for Sydney, who was having issues with the wood chips on the ground migrating into her crocs.

Walking around on her tip toes to minimize what was getting in her shoes, she cracked me up each time she proclaimed, "That's di-GUS-ting!"

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