Monday, May 3, 2010

Who nose

We're trying to give AJ more and more opportunities to be independent. For the most part, he dresses himself now. He's got a couple of pairs of pants with tricky hook closures, but other than that he can handle this task. On weekends I give him even more freedom/responsibiltiy, often letting him choose what he wants to wear.

He's come up with some interesting color combinations, I have to say. For instance, he wanted to pair his green Minnesota Wild jersey with olive green sweat pants.

This past Saturday I sent him to his room to get dressed, reminding him he had a friend's birthday party to go to later in the day. I figured the sheer anticipation and excitement would mean he'd be dressed in no time.

I was wrong.

A good 10 minutes passed as I dressed Sydney and wrapped the present. I called out to AJ to see if he was almost ready. I got no answer, and so I went into his room to investigate.

There he was, still in his pajamas, perched on top of the bin where we normally store his costumes. With a red foam clown nose now attached to his own.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Ummm. Looking for clothes."

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