Monday, May 31, 2010

When boys impulse shop

I left them in the produce section for less than 30 seconds, and the next thing I know AJ was excitedly holding up a coconut that Daddy had told him he could get.

Why exactly did AJ feel the pressing need to buy a coconut?

"Because I never tried coconut milk before," he told me.

And so, when we arrived home, Jeff and AJ experienced a bit of a bonding moment as they tried to extract said coconut milk. It was the sound of a power drill that first attracted my attention. Before I could grab the camera and get out to the garage, I could hear Jeff's loud laughter.

I missed the best photo opportunity: AJ's expression after sipping what he later described for me as "rotten water."

By the time I joined them, Jeff had pounded open the hairy fruit so that AJ could try some of the white interior

Don't mistake the smile. He didn't like it. At all.

Rationalizing it all, Jeff says the look on AJ's face as he spit out the coconut milk was well worth the $2.79 purchase price. He also told me this was an important life lesson in case AJ ever should find himself stuck on a desert island.


The lessons being: if you're stranded and dehydrated and in need of a coconut, run to your nearest Walmart. Equally important: be sure to remember your power drill and make sure the battery is charged so that you can bore into it for the gross tasting liquid.

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