Saturday, May 8, 2010

Wha... wha... WHAT?

Please pardon me as I ponder, for a moment, a few questions that come to mind as I gaze out my window this morning. Questions like:

Did I miss something? Maybe... oh... perhaps... SUMMER?

Or perhaps the more direct query: Are you freakin' kidding me?!?

It is May 8. Normally in these parts, we don't see leaves on trees this early in the year. But for once, after an incredibly warm and early spring, we do.
And now those leaves are covered with snow.
Do you suppose, after a reception like this, that they will ever want to bud this early again? I'm guessing not. Way to go Mother Nature!
I suppose I should accept my share of blame in this. I did pack away the kids' snow boots last week. I even made a joke about it on Facebook, suggesting something like this was bound to happen.
The last two weekends have been incredibly blustery up here. As I pushed myself to run 6-plus miles despite the gale force winds, I thought to myself, "Is it really too much to ask to have a Friday, Saturday or Sunday for a long run, when the winds aren't gusting at close to 20 miles an hour?"
Perhaps I should have been more specific. Our neighbor's flag, which is what I use to gauge just how windy it is, is fairly calm today.
Next time, I guess I need to be more clear in requesting a day with calm winds and NO SNOW!
AJ, at least, found a little amusement in all of this. For a while. His initial reaction was to laugh and ask, "Why is God teasing us like this?"
By yesterday afternoon, he'd embraced the snowy day, asking for hot cocoa with marshmallows and watching The Polar Express.
This morning, when he came stumbling out of his room, I told him to look out the window. His face first shifted into a look of shock. But then, in the midst of a yawn, he announced, "I... hate... snow."
Join the club my boy!

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