Saturday, January 29, 2011

Independence Day

This probably would have been more accurately headlined as Independence Evening. There were many points during the day when they asked me for help doing things they certainly could have accomplished themselves. But come evening, it was a different story...

Ask a preschooler a rhetorical question and you'll get a very proud answer.

"So, um, Sydney? Did you adjust your hair band?" I asked.

Sydney happily confirmed, "I did it all myself!"

Meanwhile, my almost 6-year-old master chef has just about mastered the creation of microwave popcorn. He still needs a little help with the plastic wrap, and a reminder of which side goes down. But after that, he's got it!

This just may be the first practical use for his newly learned reading skills. He can find the button that says Popcorn, followed by the button that says Start.

I recently purchased the Double Delicious cookbook (sequel to Deceptively Delicious). It emphasizes use of healthier ingredients and getting kids involved in the cooking process, because they're more likely to eat and enjoy food that they helped prepare.

Making your own popcorn. Hmm... probably not exactly what they were suggesting.

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