Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Shopping with Sydney

Two "Sydney-isms" to share from our shopping trip last Friday:

Sydney was excited to help when we reached the check-out line at the grocery store. Grunting at times, she would hoist items from the cart (where she was sitting) and heave them over the side onto the conveyor belt.

"Do you need help, Sydney?" I asked.

Sydney responsed: "If you're strong, you can do anything."

At a different store, while looking for a Valentine's card for Jeff, Sydney decided to look at cards too.  As I read and put back several cards, Sydney attempted to do the same, but I could hear her mumble, "This one doesn't work." A few moments later, the same thing, "this one doesn't work either."

Clearly, for her, the only cards worth considering are the ones that play music when you open them.

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