Thursday, December 17, 2009

Halleluia, It's done!

Bring down the lights. Close the curtains. Or just let the kids go home. The 2009 Christmas program is now just a memory. Good memory of bad memory? Let's just say it was an experience... an experience that has given me greater appreciation for George Beer, the man who directed me and about 30 kids in The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.

The show certainly went better than any of the practices. But there were at least a half dozen toddlers and preschoolers who ran off the risers into the crowd at various points in the program. And AJ was one of only two kids who'd bothered to memorize their lines. Thankfully, AJ made it through the show without picking his nose, which had been an issue during the rehearsals. His biggest problem was forgetting to stand along with the rest of the kids.

We tried using hand gestures to motion him to stand up, but he misinterpreted that as song choreography and started doing two thumbs up right along with us.

But when it came time for his line, he acted like a pro. He remembered to lower the microphone to his level, and spoke with relative confidence, even adding the "Amen" at the end.

The best surprise came after the show ended. When the lights came up, we discovered two surprise visitors in the audience.

AJ and Sydney were pretty excited that Grandpa and Grandma had made a special trip to see them. They were even more excited to learn that their visitors had brought cupcakes.

At bedtime, I asked AJ if he'd had fun, or if he was just glad it was done. He thought for a moment and then answered, "I'm just glad it's over."
Until next year...


  1. Yes, Grandma & Grandpa were able to surprise all of the Kazel's. We were a little concerned when we walked up to the church and, through the windows, saw Jeff, AJ & Sydney sitting right there. AND, once inside, we had to walk right past that room to get to the area where the program was going to be. Dana was right inside the door of another room. Then AJ ran right by us twice before the program started, but he didn't notice us sitting there in the semi-dark room.
    But after the program, as the children were going down the aisle, the look on AJ's face was priceless as he spotted me. "GRANDMA!!!!" Lights came on and Jeff spotted us next and pointed us out to Dana. Then Sydney came running. Yes, we had truly surprised everyone. AJ came back to us, gave us big hugs, took my hand as we were leaving, and proudly announced to anyone who would listen, "This is my GRANDMA!"
    Were we supposed to drive 5-6 hours for a 45 minute program? (Dudley might not have thought so as he was sitting in the truck with his coat on surrounded by fleece and pillows.) But oh, yes! We were DEFINITELY supposed to be there. At least this time. The roads were perfect, the weather was perfect, there was no traffic, the large deer that almost ran into us a mile from Kazel's house stopped JUST in time, and AJ said his lines perfectly, including the AMEN. What a night for everyone! Good job, AJ!!
