Saturday, December 12, 2009

Sleep it off

What you are looking at is a total lack of even the slightest glimmer of guilt after being caught sleeping on our bed.

Maggie took laziness to a new level Thursday. I was able to stop home briefly, late morning, when I normally would be at work. There she was, sprawled out across our bed.

Our ever-attentive watch dog used to look guilty if we came home and made it inside without waking her up. She'd come stumbling and stretching out of our bedroom, doing her best to pretend she'd known we were there.

But on this day, when the temperature was only in the single digits, Maggie not only didn't stumble out to see me, she didn't even get off the bed.

"Maggie," I asked several times, "do you want to go outside?"

She barely lifted her head. I took that as a no.

One last note about lazy pets at our house... In Maggie's defense, she's not the only one.

Just make yourselves comfortable.

1 comment:

  1. Trust me. Dudley beats out your pets every time - except when we're away, and he's in his cage.
    In the evening he lays on the pillows on the davenport while we watch TV OR he stretches out on our bed if I'm in there watching TV.
    At night he lays under our covers for a while, then curls up on top of the covers between us in various places.
    The topper came this morning when I was making the bed ..... Dudley was on Dad's pillows. I straightened out the bottom of the bed and moved him down there. Then I finished my side of the bed, and before I could get to Dad's side, guess who was all curled up on MY PILLOWS.
    Rough life these pets have.
