Saturday, December 19, 2009

Santa baby

The way Sydney nestled herself on Santa's knee, you'd never know she'd harbored any hesitancy about the jolly red elf.

All day she'd been telling me she wasn't going to sit on Santa's lap. She might give him a high-5, but she wasn't going any closer than that. But when Santa showed up at the LeVahn family Christmas, Sydney's stubborness all but disappeared.

She sat their quietly as, one by one, Santa pulled presents from his sack and called out children's names. Finally he got to the packages for AJ and Sydney.

If there were a prize for showing the most enthusiasm for a present, AJ would have won it, no contest. He was absolutely thrilled by his knights treasure play set. Sydney, meanwhile, doesn't too excited by the new Diego (the old one, even without a "rescue pack" is just fine, thank you.) But the Beanie Baby version of Baby Jaguar was much appreciated and instantly introduced to her original Diego doll.
While waiting for Santa's arrival, AJ and Sydney entertained themselves, and us, making the most of the stage that was at one of the room where we'd gathered. Sydney ran laps back and forth from where we sat to the stage and back, over and over again, giggling each time.
Fresh off his successful Christmas program, AJ seems to have gained a taste for the performance arts. He played the piano a bit, and did his best to help direct us when it came time to sing Christmas carols. Later, he proudly asked, "Did you like our play?"

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