Sunday, December 6, 2009

A visit to Santa

Experienced blogger, scrapbooker and Mom that I am, I immediately recognized the abundance of photo opportunities that would come my way by taking the kids to the annual Pancake Breakfast with Santa event at Esko's school.

And then I forgot to bring the camera. Brilliant.

So here's a link to last year's photo. If there had been a picture this year, it would have looked remarkably similar. Of course the kids are a bit bigger, and AJ had his glasses on this year because thankfully, we had no drama with missing lenses, like last year. But it was the same Santa. Same stage. AJ was even wearing the same shirt. And Sydney still wouldn't sit on his lap, so Jeff had to stay in the picture. (This year she managed to give Santa a high-5, so we're making progress.)

Sydney requested a Diego and Baby Jaguar. AJ is asking for a knight playset. He has a list a mile long of specific Playmobil knight toys he wants, including a lovely castle for just $184.99. I suggested he just tell Santa he wants a knight playset, and let Santa and the elves decide which one they think would be best.

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