Monday, June 27, 2011

Rock stars

This weekend was so nice. It was even - dare I say - relaxing. After three straight weekends of non-stop parties, we actually were able to take it easy and set our own agenda. (Okay, there was one birthday party thrown into the mix. I'll write about that tomorrow.)

Part of that play-it-by-ear agenda became a trip to the playground, followed by a stroll to the harbor. I tried to recreate the photo at right, to show how much the kids have grown in the last year, but the sun was just too intense to get a shadow-free shot.

Don't get me wrong, I am NOT complaining about the sunshine. Just making excuses for the shadows.

Happy to be able to stop posing, the kids scrambled for the tiny deck that sticks out over the rocks. AJ discovered some tiny rocks that must have blown onto the deck from an adjoining garden, and simply had to start throwing them into the water. Because what else do you do on a summer day when you find rocks while standing near water?

And that, of course, meant Sydney had to copy her big brother's actions. She was much more particular about the rocks she picked up.

I'm not sure what criteria played a role in the selection process, but not just any rock was picked up and tossed. In fact, one of the rocks was so nice it had to come home with us. She even gave it a name. (Don't ask me what it was... some non-sensical couple of syllables stuck together.)

With the special rock safely in Mommy's pocket, it was okay to pick a few less-special rocks and toss them into their new watery home.

How lucky we are to live so close to such a freshwater marvel. It's moments like this that almost make up for the many days when the winds blow off the Lake and drops our temperatures by 20 degrees.

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